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Back To The Beginning Again Lyrics and Chords by Switchfoot

Song title: Back To The Beginning Again Lyrics
By: Switchfoot

Verse 1

I can feel it building up inside, 
the images that plague inside my mind,
The dreams that I've been dreaming all my life,
The colors that live outside of the lines,
But dreams aren't all I hide beneath the skin,
The chord is cut the fears and doubts begin,
My hope is anchored on the other side,
With the colors that live outside of the lines,

Chorus 1

And the oceans roar, and the wheels they spin,     
And Your promises, bring me back, back to the beginning again,

Verse 2

Like the corrugated L.A. Harbor stacks,
With the weight of these machines across my back,
I know a mountain road where time unwinds,
But I'm busy living in a single file line,
And it all just sounds like poison on my ears,E
The background noise makes Your voice so hard to hear,
So i grit my teeth and straighten my spine,
I'm stuck in traffic on a dotted yellow line,

Chorus 2

And my heart is Yours, and what a broken place it's in,
But You're what I'm runnin' for, and i want to feel the wind at my back again


Song title: Back To The Beginning Again Chords
By: Switchfoot

Verse 1

 B                      C#m 
               A                 E
B                                  C#m
     A                             E
     B                       C#m
                     A                E
   B                       C#m
         A                              E

Chorus 1

   B           C#m            A          E
  B         C#m             A                           E       

Verse 2

B                           C#m
                        A                   E
   B                         C#m
        A                            E
       B                     C#m
               A                                E
     B                              C#m
     A                                  E

Chorus 2

       B       C#m                      A           E
    B                  C#m                              A               E

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