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Gesang – Bengawan Solo (Lyrics and Translation)

Bengawan Solo

Bengawan Solo
Bengawan Solo
Riwayatmu ini
This history of yours
Sedari dulu jadi
Since a long time ago, you have
Perhatian insani
Attracted people's attention

Musim kemarau
In dry season
Tak seberapa airmu
Your have little water
Di musim hujan air
In rainy season, water
Meluap sampai jauh
Overflows far away

Mata airmu dari Solo
Your spring from Solo
Terkurung Gunung Seribu
Is isolated by Seribu Mount
Air meluap sampai jauh
Water overflows far away
Dan akhirnya ke laut
And finally reaches the sea

Itu perahu
That boat
Riwayatnya dulu
Its history in the past
Kaum pedagang selalu
The merchants always
Naik itu perahu
Rode the boat

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