
Happy New Year!!!!!!!

From today, I will share God's revelation on me to you. It will be my way of sharing the good news to you through my blog. I hope that you will be inspired and be blessed.

Proverbs 10:19
"When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise." NIV

We must learn how to control our tongue. Why?
  • It may bring life or violence/ punishment,
  • It may stir up anger or love,
  • May bring wisdom/ nourishment or Lack of judgment,
  • Can bring harmony or distraction,
  • It can encourage or discourage,
  • It can bless or curse,

Gossips: Sometimes in order to have something to say, we resort to chat (gossip) about other people.  We tend to say things we know about certain person and sometimes we judge that person based on what we heard (most of the times we chat about the bad traits of the person) which leads to sin and destruction of the person because of false judgment. We did not only ruined the life/ reputation of the person but we also ruin ourselves because your "friends" will no longer trust you of their secrets because they will have an impression that you will say it to other people ("friends") when they are not around or your a backfighter. 

Let us not use our breath to say non-sense things but contemplate first in what we are about to say.  Let our words be an encouragement and enlightenment to others.

Anger: Sometimes when we are angry we tend to burst out simultaneous words that come to our minds without thinking.  We do this maybe because we want to hurt them also (to let them feel what we felt) or because of our pride. But as the scripture says “everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry”.  When we are angry, it is wise to hold ones tongue or we would regret it later on.  Words cannot be taken back once it is said.

Power: The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Prov. 18:21

Remember creation? God used word to create the world "let there be light, and there was light", and He has given us that power, whatever that comes to our mouth will become a prophecy to us.  If we use our tongue wisely, we could reap the fruit of its reward.  An encouragement will uplift the spirit of the downhearted, it will comfort a friend, it will enlighten a path, brings forth joy, bring blessings, bring life to death, bring healing etc… Let us sow life, so we could reap life.

As Christians, we need to speak blessing to other people. We have to use our tongue to praise God as the psalmist says, “let everything that has breath, praise the Lord”.

Prayer: Father, thank you for your revelation.  Truly you have given us the authority and power and it is our choice if we will use it to encourage or discourage, bless or curse, bring life or death. Help us everyday Lord, to use our tongue to bless other people. Thank you Lord, In Jesus Name. Amen.

Important Note:
I do not claim Divine Authorship, the above are my personal revelation from God. I pray that you will be blessed. 


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