Beranda ·


In the Beginning

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

Since the beginning of time, God is already present. He is the beginning and the end. The Alpha and Omega.

In the first verse of the Bible we could already tell, how Almighty our God is. He created the heaven and the earth, where we could find many simple but complicated things  (confusing huh?, though we may think its simple in the outside but it is complicated on the inside, just like our body, get it?). Sometimes we keep on wondering how something like this and that could happen (mind boggling). There are many wonderful things in this world that our human mind cannot fathom. Words cannot describe how great is our God!

He is yesterday, today and forever.

Let us appreciate the wonderful people and things of the world and thank the One who created them. 

God bless us more,


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