Beranda ·


Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.
- Psalm 106:1 NIV

Today marks my seventh year anniversary in Abu Dhabi, UAE.  Who would have thought that I will reach this year, when initially I said to myself that I would only spend 2 years abroad (just enough to save money for future business venture) but here I am, blessed with unexpected blessings from God.

Working abroad means being separated from our loved ones, away from the things that we are acquainted/ comfortable with, away from the “normal” things we used to do. These would make us feel afraid, anxious of the unfamiliar, uneasy of changes; we have this “what if” mentality. All account in one thing, fear. Fear of being alone, fear of changes, fear of failing, fear of rejection among many others.

But let’s look at it on the other side. Going “out of the country” means discovering the other side of the road, the greener pasture, moving to our courage zone. (Please read Genesis 12 – The Call of Abram). Sometimes we have to move forward and face our fears, take the risk so we will experience things that will lead us to know our real purpose.  

There were times during these seven years when I felt alone, discouraged, sad, weak, and want to give up & go back. I am missing home and my family. But these were also those times that I felt His strong presence. He never left me, nor forsake me. I depended only on Him, who is my best friend ever since.

So when we feel that we are in a situation that makes us wonder, “why are these things happening to me? Why am I here?” let us remember that “all things work together for good”. God is always putting us in situations wherein we will benefit from it. We just have to believe that He wants the best for us and He loves us so much.

Like Abraham, God has blessed me abundantly in this land. I am able to provide for my family, I could communicate with them anytime. I am working in a good Company with wonderful colleagues.  I gained friends and called them my family. I learned a lot about life and other people. Most especially, I am getting to know Him in a much personal way. So how about that!

Everyday let us thank God of His magnificent blessings, there are times that we feel that every day is repetition of yesterday, but it is not, we just have to find the treasures hidden in our everyday living (just by practicing gratefulness).

I am thankful to God that even though I don’t deserve such amazing things, He continuously blesses me. I am where I am now, because of His help.

Thank you to my family, friends, colleagues and all of you supporting this blog.
Glory, honor and thanks be to God!

God bless us more,



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