Beranda ·


Back in 2006, I never thought that I would be going abroad. But I somehow prayed that I need to go out of the country in order to fulfill the promise I made to my mother (It's not a serious promise at first, I am just teasing her, but it turned out that my mother took it seriously).

It was just a small dream, I guess (if we are rich), but being employed in the Philippines for a small salary would not be possible for that dream to come true. I realized that I had to fulfill her dreams because I love her and it is also my time to make her happy (kind of).

Honestly, I do not have that much strength to leave, but I have to (mind you, it is my first time to be separated from them, and there was no turning back since I had my air ticket with me). As expected, it was really hard to find a job overseas, in Abu Dhabi to be exact. But what keeps me going is the family I left in the Philippines, their prayers and my promise (motivation).  Homesickness was a real battle but, it really comforts me that they are just prayer away.  Everytime I am alone in our room, I would prayed to God to make me strong. I know God was the only one I could depend on.  Then I began to pray harder and desired to know God's plan for me (aside from looking for a job).

There are lots of disappointments and discouragement along the way, it was not an easy road (but I think, I am still blessed). Thanks to my brother and sister-in-law, they brought me closer to God and also to other people (although I am not really good in interaction). My brothers and sisters were also praying for me (I'm blessed, haven't I). I never imagined doing praise and worship to God, clapping hands, lifting my hands, I never even prayed louder before. But I realized that it is one way of honoring God and being close to Him. 

I naturally love music, so I began to play praise and worship songs (because it would somehow lift my spirit and gave me comfort), I especially like Don Moen's songs (I especially repeat "Like Eagles" in my playlist). During my solitude, I talked to God  and realized how our loving God was and is always been by my/our side. He never left me nor forsake me (Hebrews 13:5).  Then it opened my eyes, having and knowing God is the real treasure I just found when I came to Abu Dhabi, more precious than silver, pure than gold. 

I am not a religious person back in Philippines, but I should continue to cultivate and see the "value" of the treasure I just found.

My original plan will still be there, to make my mother's dreams come true, to build a business that will support us, to be financially free (a lot of plans/ dreams/ prayers actually), but I will seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, all these things (whatever it is!) will be given to me as well (Matthew 6:33).

I know God has better plans not only for me but also for you, hope that you will seek, find and accept Him as well.

Before I end, here is the lyrics of "Like Eagles", hope that you enjoy it.

O my soul
Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
It's been told form the beginning
The Lord your God is on your side

O my soul don't be afraid
Hope in the Lord
By His righteousness and power
He will strengthen
He will guide
And I will soar
On wings like eagles
Held by the hand of God
I will run and not grow tired
When on His name I call
For the Lord is never weary
His ways are beyond my thoughts
I will trust in Him
With all my heart
(Repeat verses and Chorus)

And I will rest upon His promise
Patiently I'll wait...

(Repeat Chorus 2 times)
I will trust in Him
With all my heart
And I will rest upon His promise
Patiently I'll wait...

To hear and see the video, please see link

Until next time and God bless,


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